What To Expect At An Appointment

For purposes of this explanation we'll focus on microbladed eyebrows which are the most popular procedure for Suzanne.  Eyeliners are pretty straight forward by following the lash line - either a fine line to enhance your lashes, or a heavier line for more drama.  Brows are more complex.  This procedure can enhance, refine and fill in existing brows or go from non-existent to full brows.

  • The first step is a free consultation. This may be a conversation that takes place before a decision is made, or it may be the first step during the appointment for a procedure.  This two-way communication is very important.  This includes conversation about your desires and expectations, and discussion about how permanent makeup can enhance your appearance.  The selection of colors, etc. are reviewed. Bringing photos can be a helpful communications tool.  

  • Before the procedure begins, medical and consent forms need to be completed and reviewed.  These forms can be found here on this website, and can be completed ahead of time.

  • Sue takes measurements to ensure alignment, then draws brows. This takes time and this phase continues until you are completely happy with the design. 

  • Good brows can frame your face and a good arch can lift the look of the face. 

  • Then temporary markings are made to retain the approved shape, which becomes a guide.

  • Topical numbing cream is applied, and you can relax for about 20 minutes while it takes effect.  The application is generally repeated during the procedure.  For most people any discomfort is non-existent to minimal.  Everyone has a different threshold for pain, but most people are pleasantly surprised to find it a very tolerable experience.

  • To avoid the risk of infection or contamination, you wear a protective hair cover and Sue wears disposable gloves as well as a face mask.  She uses disposable supplies and follows the strict sanitation and sterilization guidelines as required by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and OSHA regulations as well as the Sarasota County Health Department.

  • Sue then proceeds with the microblading process to infuse the micro-pigmentation inks using short little strokes to replicate the appearance of hairs.  This results in a natural look.  You don't want to look like a Sharpie was used to shape the brow!

  • Allow 2-3 hours for the permanent makeup procedure for natural looking microbladed eyebrows.

  • Typically, the area where the color has been applied will be darker and heavier, more intense, for the first day or two.  It will then adjust to the intended shade. 

  • To avoid any scabbing or infection, Sue applies an ointment, protective gel, to the area at the end of the procedure.

  • There are care instructions to follow afterward and you should not apply commercial cosmetics to the area for a period of four days to allow for healing and to avoid infection.  We recommend that you use fresh cosmetics if/when you resume use.

  • You are able to drive yourself home after the procedure.  There are no limits on activities.  Depending on the procedure, you may look like you've been crying. Any time missed from work or activities would be an elective decision for aesthetic reasons.

  • Follow-up care at home involves cleaning and applying a healing ointment to the area every two hours the first day and for the next three days that process only needs to be done twice a day.

  • You may experience some temporary swelling and/or redness following the procedure.  This depends on the individual.  Cold packs (not ice) can be used to soothe any discomfort after the numbing cream wears off or to control any swelling.

  • Then you can enjoy the look and the convenience of permanent makeup.

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